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Heading to the center of the Friuli, at 40-minutes’ drive from Latisana, you can reach Udine. The symbol of the city is the Castle, a 16th century building still marking the city’s skyline today. A not-to-be-missed highlight, the Piazza Libertà features two loggias: the Loggia di San Giovanni and the more famous Loggia del Lionello.

15 minutes away from Udine, you reach the enchanting town of Cividale, the ancient Forum Julii founded by Cesar, which is one of the most important centers of Longobard culture.

Numerous artistic works testify to the historic relevance of the town: from the Celtic Ipogeo, charming and mysterious, to the Oratorio di Santa Maria in Valle (little Longobard temple), an exclusive mixture of Medieval architecture and sculpture; from the Duomo (15-16th centuries), featuring the silver Pala by Pellegrino II, a masterpiece of Italian Medieval jewelry, to the Palazzo dei Provveditori Veneti (16th century), whose design is attributed to Andrea Palladio.

At the end, from Cividale you can reach the villages in the Western Collio area, where it is possible to get a taste of the best wines in Friuli.